mac os uml tool

First-Class UML Modeling Experience on Mac OS X Intuitive UML modeling tool on the world's most advanced operating system. Combining Visual Paradigm with Mac OS X allows anyone to model software system with ease and quality.

相關軟體 Dia Diagram Editor 下載

Dia Diagram Editor is an open-source visual-editing application, which can be used to draw numerous different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagr...

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  • First-Class UML Modeling Experience on Mac OS X Intuitive UML modeling tool on the world&#...
    First-Class UML Modeling Experience on Mac OS X ...
  • Visual Paradigm Community Edition - A Free UML Tool. A full-featured, free UML ... Modelin...
    Free UML Tool - Visual Paradigm
  • Visual Paradigm is a cross-platform software design tool that enables you to model your sy...
    Mac OS X - Cross-Platform - UML Tool on Mac OS X ...
  • Whether you're a Mac die-hard or an iPad newbie we give you the scoop on what's ne...
    Mac OS X UML modeling tool released for developers | ...
  • 2003年4月15日 - Excel Software has released QuickUML Mac OS X, an object-oriented design too...
    Mac OS X UML modeling tool released for developers | Computerworld
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  • Mac OS X UML diagram tool for professional UML modeling. Visual Paradigm supports drawing ...
    Professional UML Tool for Mac OS X - Visual Paradigm
  • StarUML is one of the most popular UML tools in the world. It has over 5 million ... Downl...
  • StarUML is one of the most popular UML tools in the world. It has over 5 million downloads...
    StarUML - Official Site
  • As any tool-related question there's no definite answer for that. There are a couple o...
    The best UML tools for Mac OS X - Quora
  • As a Mac user, I really like diagramming with Lucidchart. It works on any platform, and th...
    The best UML tools for Mac OS X - Quora ...
  • Uml Tool Mac, free uml tool mac software downloads, Page 3. ... UML Diagram Maker is a cro...
    Uml Tool Mac Software - Free Download Uml Tool Mac (Page 3) ...
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    UML tool of Mac OSX 苹果系统下的建模工具-世风十三 ...
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    有哪些值得推荐的 Mac 下的 UML 工具? - 知乎
  • Mac 版本貌似没出太久,用着也挺不错,而且黑白色比Win 的屎黄好看。 ... ProcessOn 一款基于浏览器语言HTML5在线UML建模工具,个人一直在使用,属于国内创业团...
    有哪些值得推荐的Mac 下的UML 工具? - 知乎